Finished Podcast
I would have uploaded this to podomatic but for some reason it wouldn't let me or work, I didn't know what I had done wrong so I put it into SoundCloud instead.
I think that the part that I had to do was great I think that I did a good job at editing the recording because we got the different takes of recordings we had done, and then when I edited into Audition, I made sure that I did a professional job in setting out the different clips of audio that was recorded and cutting out the bits where there was laughter or some sort of disturbance, then mixing the audio up so that it had a special effect that I had downloaded off the internet, as well as music that I had put into it.
At first when I started Middlesbrough College I didn't know how to use Adobe Audition or how to edit. I have learnt so much more about using the editing software and how to edit recordings or videos in such a way that I could replace them with different audio so that it, in my opinion sounded a lot better. This has give me more of an experience in the editing side of media and will most probably help me for the future.
I think this part gives a good idea of when I had been editing the recordings in Audition, as it shows all of the little breaks I did and shows how I let the sound die out towards the ending of this clip.
We produced this a part of a group discussion. I have also included this little mind map that was made to help get our ideas together:
Feedback That I had gotten from people
Here I have posted to multiple people as well as the people in my group on what I had done, asking for some feedback.
Here I have sent a request to Owen for feedback on my Leadership.
Below are some emails between me and my tutor on how I was getting on with the work:
Final Review on My Project:
Did you achieve everything you wanted?
I think I have achieved everything I wanted as I have really enjoyed this project and have been able to use editing software, because when I signed up for this course one of the things I really wanted to do was to be able to and learn how to edit video and/or music or a piece of audio. I'm really glad I have been able to do this course, as it has prepared me for the future I think and I have learned lots on editing especially for the Arts Award. Also working in a group such as this and having my own role as editor has given me such joy to do, as it made me think that this is what I want to do in the future - become a Editor. I really enjoyed being able to listen to the finished edit of what I did as when I finished this I just had to show my friends and family. I had also shared it to my Facebook account where my parents were amazed with what I had accomplished and really happy that I had made them proud, which is what I had wanted, mainly for my dad to be proud of me. Overall I'm really happy with it and hope that anyone else that listens to it, enjoys it too.
This is a screenshot of the podcast without the edits all over the place, it has the audio all in one.
How have your leadership skills developed?
My communication skills within the group I think were very good as we are all good friends and being paired up to do something like this, with that as a good addition and advantage it was easy to make sure each one of us knew what we had to do in the planning stage at the start and in the final stages of making the audio.
My team working skills were pretty good as when we were working together in this group, we all got on, and it was very enjoyable. So this all helped when planning our work because with the pre-production it all went very well. When working with this group, we had a really good time as everybody seemed to get involved in what we could and then what else we could do to improve it. When working together in this group, as we all got on, and it was very enjoyable. So this all helped when planning our work because with the pre-production it all went very well. When working with this group, we had a really good time as everybody seemed to get involved in what we could and then what else we could do to improve it. We had to change some of the ideas around with the pre-production documents so I stepped in to shorten it down as it was pretty long with some parts that didn't need to be there. Whereas everyone thought it was a good idea.
The proof on how well I had performed my role is below:
What do you think of the feedback you have received?
I think that the feedback that I received was very positive and I was very happy with what Owen had said this had given me a great confidence boost, as going into the project I didn't have much confidence into editing a piece of audio to make it sound good, so with that said and people saying they liked it (I had shown the piece of audio to my parents, which were really pleased with me) it made me proud with what I had produced and has made me look to the future more openly. I have really enjoyed my course, it has been really fun and a true experience to behold. I am hoping to be on the Level 3 course afterwards.The proof on how well I had performed my role is below:
The feedback that I got from Owen, on how he thought I did in my role as editor and carried out the project with how I edited the podcast/recording that we set out to do.
How do you think you worked as a team?
I'm really happy with the work we have produced as a team and also that it is really different working with other people but in a good way as in a sense of being able to get feedback from people in your team rather than other people that aren't in your team, because people in your team know whats going on and what it is about, and that's what happened, whilst producing the editing I had gotten tips from people in my group on cutting out some of the audio, or turning the volume down, little things like that, letting them hear what I had done, so they could say what in their mind could be improved and what they liked about it. Working as a team, put things on a twist as usually when doing projects I'm on my own, so it was a challenge to actually work part as part of team. Overall I found it extremely fun.What went well?
Things that I thought went well are things like teamwork and being able to focus on the planning and production of the podcast, as when doing the pre-production side of this there were a lot of people doing different things or talking about life outside of college, but as I say we kept focused and made sure we did everything properly without distraction, so that we could meet deadlines we set ourselves.
What was difficult?
What I found most difficult was editing the video, because before I had researched on Google on how to use Adobe Audition I didn't really understand how to use all the tools or even how to import and export audio files , then after I read up on Audition and found out how to use it, I was able to edit the audio to a good standard where my group, friends and family would like it and be pleased with it.
What did I learn from it?
What I learned from doing this was how to be in the Editorial role and be able to feel confident enough to get my point across in the group in a way that people would agree with, as well as gaining new skills with Audition. Although with real editors I bet they don't use the same sort of software. It was really good being in a important role such as this as I love doing the practical side of filming or recording a podcast of some sort. To me that's always the fun bit. Being the lead role it was also fun to choose what sort of effect of my choice that I was able to put into the audio.
How could the project have been improved?
There's nothing that I can think of that could be improved, as we have put tons of effort into the making of this project and I have done the best that I can do. All I have to say now is that I have a open mind than what I did have before this course and know what I want to be doing after this course - Level 3 Media! :)